Thursday Thoughts – April 22, 2021


It’s the last Sunday of the month and so we are on-line only. Worship will be followed by a ‘Shared Ministry Gathering,’ a time to hear from the Executive and other committees, as well as the Transition Team.

Sermon – Look, Here Is Water!

Scripture – Acts 8:26-39

Questions I am Pondering:

  • What wilderness road is God inviting us on?
  • What ‘water’ is right in front of us, baptizing us into new life?
  • What guides do we need?


New restrictions! We knew with the new cases we’ve had over the past few days that it was going to come to this. You can find the latest update here.

New website!!! Check it out here and bookmark it!

As we are seeking to connect with our neighbours, I thought of a minister I know who has done an amazing job of that, so asked if I could have a Zoom conversation with her. The Rev. Alexa Gilmour is the minister at Windemere United Church; they were just featured in Broadview. This is an excerpt from the article: Ten years ago, we did not know our neighbours. Now, still deeply rooted in faith, we are also a community hub for anyone who feels moved to mend God’s world with us. Since 2012, our staff hours have doubled, income and congregational givings have increased 90 percent, and rental income is up 80 percent. The congregation size doubled, church membership increased 50 percent and the leadership has been renewed. Interestingly, the only thing that has stayed the same is the Sunday worship attendance numbers. And we’re fine with that. (Alexa told me that worship attendance pre-pandemic that worship was between 30-40 people). You can read the full article here.

As the Transition Team spearheaded a major decluttering of the lower level and other spaces in the church, I came across this article: There are 5 kinds of clutter — which one is filling your life? Most of you know by now that I don’t like physical clutter, it’s great to see the ‘bones’ of the lower level, so that we can more easily imagine what might be possible for the space. In this article, Kerry Thomas talks about five kinds of clutter: physical, mental, digital, emotional, and spiritual and how any of those can overwhelm us.

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